This body type seemingly got the best qualities from ectomorphs and endomorphs without the negative sides. You can probably picture that kid you grew up with that was always muscular, strong and lean, chances are that he/she was a mesomorph dominant. Perhaps the most desirable body type, mesomorphs are blessed with a good starting foundation for musculature and can add to this easily compared with the other two body types.

This has pros and cons depending if you are someone that wants to stay skinny or someone who wants to pack on a bit of muscle. If you’re one of those people that can eat just about anything and everything in sight then not gain weight then you might be an ectomorph. Recalling what your body looked like in the past is important because it would be more aligned to your original body type rather than your body type after decades of making various decisions regarding diet and exercise. A good way to realize what your body type is, is to think back to your childhood or teen years. You can tell what your dominant body type is by looking in the mirror to check for some tell-tale physical markers. Our bodies are the amalgamation of different influences including genetics, environmental and social impacts, personal choices and geographic settings. Thanks to science we do know that no one is destined for a particular body composition of being fat, skinny or muscular as a result of prenatal development. However, some of his concepts regarding somatotypes are still used today. Sheldon’s theories of body type being correlated to personal characteristics and criminal behavior have been dismissed by psychological community. To better understand the roots of the infamous body type classification we should look at how Sheldon grouped each body type. Although the original association of these body types to personality traits and criminal behavior has been debunked. These somatotypes or bodytypes are still used today in the fitness industry’s vernacular. The names of the body types were derived from the fact that Sheldon believed people’s traits were determined in the pre-birth embryonic ectodermal, endodermal or mesodermal layers. He created the field of somatotype and constitutional psychology which associated these body types with a person’s temperament. The three distinct bodytypes were named ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph. Up until the 1970’s students were photographed nude under the pretext of posture correction. Sheldon based his research on nude photos of incoming freshmen in Ivy League and Seven Sisters schools. During this time period the study of anthropometry and eugenics were popular. The word somatotype is derived from the Greek word soma meaning body. Sheldon in the early 1940’s was the notion that people fall into three various body types or somatotypes categories. Read on for some tips and tricks to transforming your body type into what you want it to be.įirst popularized by American psychologist Dr.
In this article you will learn the brief history of body type classification, how to tell what body type you are and what workout and diet is right for your body type. You’ve probably heard about the three different body types or somatotypes ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph but you probably don’t know where these terms came from or what exactly they mean.